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Qassim University launched the 1st International Virtual  conference on Solar Energy Visions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Qassim University launched the 1st International Virtual  conference on Solar Energy Visions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Under the patronage of His Highness, the Prince of Al-Qassim, The University, represented by the College of Engineering, launced the 1st International Virtual conference on Solar energy Visions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Applications and Challenges for two days during 24 and 25/4/1442 H. This international conference comes in line with the Qassim University’s role in community service, scientific research, and sustainable development. The conference received 198 research abstracts from 16 different countries, and with the participation of a number of industry experts from inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

09 ديسمبر 2020