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Postgraduate admission

الجدول الزمني للقبول

All programs are available for financial fees, and free, competitive study seats are provided for outstanding students in the programs offered

:General conditions for admission

·The following are generally required for admission to postgraduate studies (Master’s and Doctorate): He must have obtained a result in the general aptitude test for university graduates during or before the application period, which is held by the National Center for Measurement and Evaluation. ·The result of passing the specified grade for programs that require the English language test STEP or QUEPT during or before the application period. ·The applicant must be a Saudi or a non-Saudi resident inside the Kingdom. As for non-Saudis from outside the Kingdom, the application must be made through the (Study in Saudi Arabia) platform.

click here: https://studyinsaudi.moe.gov.sa/

The applicant must have a university degree from a Saudi university or another recognized university. ·For applicants to doctoral programs, a graduation certificate may be accepted provided that:

The master's defense was successfully passed, and the thesis course's grade was recorded in the academic record (graduate), and all that remains is for him to issue the graduation certificate.

· Those expected to graduate at the bachelor’s level from Qassim University or from outside it. The student’s cumulative GPA must be no less than (4.50) for theoretical majors, and (4.25) for applied majors.

·The application fee is 100 riyals (one hundred Saudi riyals) (non-refundable)

·Tuition fees are as follows:

Tuition fees for one supplementary semester are 5,000 riyals (five thousand Saudi riyals)

Tuition fees for the master’s degree start from 40,000 riyals. To know more details about the fees for each program, click on the program name.

Tuition fees for the doctoral level start from 60,000 riyals. To know more details about the fees for each program, click on the program name.

· Tuition fees if the regular duration of study at the master’s level exceeds 5,000 thousand riyals per semester.

· Tuition fees if the regular duration of study at the doctoral level exceeds 5,000 thousand riyals per semester.

· Tuition fees if the regular duration of study in the doctoral stage (for doctoral dentistry programs) exceeds 20,000 thousand riyals per semester.

Documents required to be uploaded to the website when filling out the data on the university website:

·Bachelor’s graduation document for male and female applicants to master’s programmes.

·Master’s graduation document for male and female applicants to doctoral programmes.

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·The national identity of Saudis.

·A copy of a valid residence permit (at least one year) for applicants for the internal scholarship (for non-Saudis) from within the Kingdom.

General provisions and guidelines:

1. Passing the supplementary course the first time with a grade of no less than (High Good) and the cumulative GPA in the supplementary courses not being less than (Very Good).

2. Registration in the postgraduate program is only possible after passing the supplementary courses.

3. The time period for passing supplementary courses is not counted within the period specified for obtaining the degree.

4. Supplementary courses are not included in calculating the cumulative GPA for postgraduate studies.

5. Lecture periods for supplementary courses are determined by the departments in the colleges.

6. Lectures for postgraduate programs (MA and PhD) are held regularly in the evening.

7. View all regulations, rules and guides available on the website of the Deanship of Graduate Studies at Qassim University.

8. For programs that require the English language for admission, you must pass the STEP test, which is offered through the National Center for Measurement and Evaluation, and is offered in various regions of the Kingdom. For more information, please visit the center’s website, or pass the QUEPT English proficiency test, which is offered through Qassim University.

9. If the applicant fails to attend the comparison examination, he or she will be excluded from admission.

10.The prescribed period for obtaining a master's degree is not less than two academic years.

11. The prescribed period for obtaining a doctoral degree is not less than three academic years.

12. Tuition fees will be refunded if the program cannot be implemented because the number necessary to open the program is not complete, even after the student obtains the university number.

13.The study method for the male or female student accepted into postgraduate studies (courses and thesis, courses and research project) is determined by the department in the college.

14.If there are tracks for the program, the track is determined for the male or female student by the department after passing the common levels.


External scholarship students

Qassim University is keen to attract the best male and female students from all over the world to study in the university’s graduate programs in its various colleges. Note that the application period has now ended, and male and female students should follow our website to find out the next application date.



Admission requirements

Qassim University offers foreign students the opportunity to enroll in postgraduate studies according to the following conditions:

1. The applicant’s age must not exceed (30) years for the master’s degree and (35) years for the doctoral degree. The educational institution’s council may make an exception to this.

2. Apply on the university’s website as soon as admission through the website begins.

3. The student’s GPA must be in accordance with what is required for each major.

4. He must be of good conduct and medically fit.

5. He must submit two academic recommendations from professors who previously taught him.

6. Approval of the Ministry of Higher Education.



The required documents

1. Applicant's CV.

2. Determine the purpose of study in the desired specialty

3. A copy of the graduation document certified by the Saudi embassy

4. A copy of the transcript certified by the embassy.

5. Two scientific recommendations from his former professors.

6. A copy of a valid passport

7. A copy of any tests required by the chosen department.


Required exams:

- General capabilities test for university graduates from the Measurement Center

- Programs that require one of two tests in the English language:

1- STEP test, which is provided through the National Center for Measurement and Evaluation

2- The QUEPT test is provided through the Deanship of Community Service at Qassim University



Validity period of exams

- STEP English Language Proficiency: Three years

- Proficiency in the English language QUEPT: two years

- General capabilities of collectors: five years


QUEPT Score Comparison with STEP

QUEPT description

20.0-1.0 QUEPT

92 – 37 step




Very Good17-
Very Competent15-
Very Satisfactory1387
Very Poor<437

Selection mechanism for acceptance:

The selection mechanism for acceptance is carried out according to the following:

- Cumulative average 50%
- Aptitude test for university graduates 20%
- Comparison test 30%


Weight estimates

Total average out of 100

Total rate of 5

Total average of 4


From 80 to less than 90

From 3.75 to less than 4.5

From 2.75 to less than 3.5

very good

From 75 to less than 80From 3.25 to less than 3.75From 2.25 to less than 2.75Good high
From 70 to less than 80From 2.75 to less than 3.75From 1.75 to less than 2.75good


التخصصات المتاحة

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المسار العلمى

التخصصات الكلية المقر الطلبة

الرسوم الدراسية

التخصصات الرسوم الدراسية

الحياة الجامعية