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إصلاح الأسنان (3) - Restorative (3)

إصلاح الأسنان (3) - Restorative (3)

الرمز اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة المتطلبات السابقة للمقرر
DENT 423 إصلاح الأسنان (3) - Restorative (3) 1 DENT 313

Course Outline:

This didactic course is designed to prepare the students for the management of the patients with various restorations including operative dentistry, endodontics, removable & fixed prosthodontic restorations in addition to periodontal treatment. The student will gain didactic knowledge for the management of dental patients with each of the previously mentioned discipline. The course will concentrate on the various treatment modalities with the proper handling of the dental patients.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, student should be able to:
1.       Identify the new techniques being used for early diagnosis of carious lesions in order to know the latest techniques being used to treat them.
2.      Identify the post restorative complications in order to manage them
3.      Describe the concept of occlusion in restorative dentistry to correct it.
4.      Describe in depth about the phonetics to know its role in prosthodontics
5.      Define the role of retention, support and stability and attachments in removable prosthodontics
6.      Describe tooth and Implant supported over dentures.
7.      Demonstrate the management of special cases requiring denture construction.


1.       Hassaballa M.A: Clinical complete denture prosthodontics. KSU, 2nd Edition 2010
2.      Zarb G.A, Bolender C.L: Prosthetic Treatment for Edentulous Patients. Complete Dentures and Implant-Supported Prostheses. Mosby; 12th edition. 2004.
3.      Sturdevant’s & Edil Roberson: Art & science of operative dentistry : Mosby 4th Ed , 2002
4.      Glen P. McGivney, Alan B. Carr, William L McCracken: McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics, 10th Edition. Mosby Book, 2000.
5.      Carr AB. Mc Givney GP. Brown DT, Mc Cracken`s : Removable Partial Denture, Elsevier Mosby 11th edition 2005.