The Ethics in Dentistry provides an introduction to the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and to the process of ethical decision-making. The topics of informed consent, assessment of patient competence, truth telling, confidentiality, and end-of-life decisions are examined in several clinical contexts such as acute care, pediatrics, geriatrics, and rehabilitation medicine. The Ethics in Dentistry provides is central to the practice of dentistry and is essential for the delivery of high-quality health care in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. A patient must have confidence in the competence of their dentist and must feel that they can confide in him or her. For most dentists, the establishment of good rapport with a patient is important. The doctor- patient relationship forms one of the foundations of contemporary medical ethics. Most dental schools and universities teach dental students from the beginning, even before they start clinics, to maintain a professional rapport with patients, uphold patients’ dignity, and respect their privacy.